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How IFF accelerates gender parity

March 01, 2016

The theme for International Women’s Day (#IWD2016) is #PledgeForParity. In 2014 the World Economic Forum predicted that it would take until 2095 to achieve global gender parity. Just one year later they estimated that a slowdown in the already glacial pace of progress meant the gender gap wouldn’t close entirely until 2133.”

It’s an excellent opportunity for us to honor the achievements of women around the world reflect on our pioneering legacy and turn the lens toward the future to see how we can continue to move the world and shift the momentum.

Discover how we champion gender equality

“The catalyst for evolution is driven by innovation – it is a state that is only possible with a true commitment to collaboration diversity and inclusion. As a company gender parity is an organic aspect of our DNA that brings needed voices and passion to our work” said Andreas Fibig, IFF CEO and Chairman. Throughout our history we have valued the talent and expertise of women within our walls. It is a primary way we keep pace with the consumers we serve. It is an integral part of our culture.”

 Andreas Fibig

Alison Cornell, IFF Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer says “what we can do to help close the gender divide is support education of women on a global scale … especially in societies that do not support it. We can each make a difference and volunteer our time and donate to causes that further this cause thereby impacting thousands of lives.”

Alison Cornell quote

“Men and women alike must proactively include women as critical participants. We can only ensure optimal results by considering the unique contributions insights and diversity of thought that women bring to the table” states Anne Chwat, IFF Executive Vice President General Counsel and Corporate Secretary.

Anne Chwat quote

“If we all hold ourselves accountable for supporting women so they can achieve their full potential and reach their professional ambitions we can shift the momentum and further advance gender parity” says Angelica T. Cantlon, IFF Executive Vice President Chief Human Resources Officer.

 Angelica T. Cantlon

We are committed to embodying diversity and inclusion accelerating progress and gender parity and embedding it into our culture. We greatly appreciate the benefits these bring to our business. Happy International Women’s Day!

Diversity & Inclusion, Equitable Representation, Human Rights, Working At IFF