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Keeping Your Sweet Foods Sweet with IFF Modulators

August 22, 2023

Sweeteners alone cannot deliver the same sweetness experience as sugar when it comes to taste body and mouthfeel. Individual sweeteners combining sweeteners or even removing sugar and sugar substitutes altogether can have a distinct impact on the sweet taste of a product. Some options can be acidic bitter or too intense while others may even produce an unpleasant mouthfeel or off-notes.

Modulator Time/Intensity Curve
But what if we did not have to compromise taste in the pursuit of health? With the help of taste and flavor modulation we can deliver the best sweet taste experience with the right balance and no off-notes guaranteeing an experience that consumers crave.


For each taste hurdle there are several different types of solutions available. The IFF FLAVORFIT™ portfolio for example addresses five primary taste modulation needs including: Sweet Masking Mouthfeel and Sensorial which are all relevant for CPG (consumer packaged goods) companies with no and low sugar products. The fifth primary taste need covered in the portfolio is Salt & Umami.

With 61% of consumers agreeing that ‘clean’ ‘natural’ or organic foods are healthier (Food Navigator 2022) IFF FLAVORFIT™ [sweet] was created with cleaner label and naturalness in mind and has been evolving under our RE-IMAGINE WELLNESS™ Innovation Program. This high-performing option alters the perception of any sugar alternatives added without using extra artificial sweeteners or flavors. Alternatively when artificial sugars are present IFF FLAVORFIT™ [masking] can reduce or even neutralize off-notes such as bitterness licorice or sour notes in the final product.

IFF FLAVORFIT™ [masking] delivers innovation in the linger / aftertaste
component of the taste curve

We must consider that the overall consumer experience involves more than just taste and smell. Consumers crave richness in sweet food and beverages but the removal of sugar can have a negative impact on the overall mouthfeel especially in dairy and beverage products. IFF FLAVORFIT™ [mouthfeel] can provide the fullness and body needed to enhance authenticity in these sugar-reduced products by creating the taste and texture experience that full-sugar products can deliver.


Last but certainly not least we must address overall consumption experience. Is the product fresh? Bright? Juicy? IFF FLAVORFIT™ [sensorial] can help create these mouthwatering experiences by going beyond flavor tonality. Combining sensorial modulation with sweet masking and mouthfeel modulation is the key to meeting consumer expectations in sweet food and beverage products. This combination is carefully structured according to a customer’s needs formulation and sugar reduction targets. In other words the process is highly customizable and flexible.


Though taste remains the primary influence for purchase it is followed closely behind by label-friendliness naturalness and health. Worldwide sales of clean label ingredients including (but not limited to) sweeteners is projected to jump from $38.8 billion in 2021 to $64.1 billion in 2026 (Euromoniter Market Data Forecast). This is clearly reflected in ever-changing consumer demands and even in global legislation. For example over 50 countries are working to regulate consumer sugar intake by implementing taxes enforcing label regulations and by banning the marketing of high sugar products to young children. The agility required to meet this growing demand however does not have to be difficult. Whether for health & wellness label-friendly solutions cost optimization or taste differentiation we are here to work with you. Together with the help of our wide portfolio and expertise we can create the foods and beverages that consumers crave.
Learn more about our sugar reduction modulation tools here.

Creativity & Innovation