Blog | News | IFF Tue, 09 Jan 2024 16:16:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog | News | IFF 32 32 Innovative starter cultures that unlock exceptional taste texture and consistency Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Creating Industry-Leading Cheddar Cheese with CHOOZIT® VINTAGE The cheese category has grown by 19% since 2017 with cheddar being the most favored cheese type among consumers.1 However cheddar cheese manufacturers are currently facing a range of obstacles from maintaining quality and flexibility in production to creating great-tasting products consumers love. At IFF we’ve harnessed our...

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Creating Industry-Leading Cheddar Cheese with CHOOZIT® VINTAGE


The cheese category has grown by 19% since 2017 with cheddar being the most favored cheese type among consumers.1 However cheddar cheese manufacturers are currently facing a range of obstacles from maintaining quality and flexibility in production to creating great-tasting products consumers love.

At IFF we’ve harnessed our advanced dairy capabilities and technical expertise to create CHOOZIT® VINTAGE a line of starter cultures specifically tailored to address cheddar manufacturers’ key challenges. These cultures deliver a consistently well-balanced flavor profile ensuring a smooth clean-cut texture without any bitterness or crumbliness across cheese batches throughout the ripening process.

With CHOOZIT® VINTAGE we can help manufacturers attain consistent cheese composition from one day to the next optimize texture for conversion elevate taste and avoid flavor defects–all while meeting their sustainability targets.

In this article our experts answer the most frequently asked questions from cheesemakers and explain how CHOOZIT® VINTAGE can help brands thrive in the market with high-performing differentiated cheese products.

Q1. Will CHOOZIT® VINTAGE achieve the same critical control pH targets in my current process?

The lactic acid bacteria strains in CHOOZIT® VINTAGE were formulated to acidify at a precise rate and time during the production process. The formula was developed based on our deep understanding of modern cheddar manufacturing processes and was validated across various recipes including fast industrial production in concentrated milk and slower traditional production in conventional milk. IFF’s application specialists can collaborate with cheesemakers to understand their specific process details and adapt the culture usage to meet their requirements for acid development.

Q2. Have you tested CHOOZIT® VINTAGE in concentrated milk and if so at what level? Was the starter adjusted based on the protein level in the vat and were the results the same?

Yes the culture was designed to perform in concentrated milk used for cheese production. The milk protein levels tested go up to 4.85%. To reach the same target pH levels it requires more starter than when conventional milk is used for cheese making. The culture dosage can be adjusted according to protein concentration.

Q3. What types of Lactic acid bacteria does CHOOZIT® VINTAGE contain?

It includes mesophilic LAB consisting of strains of Lactococcus cremoris and thermophilic strains of Streptococcus thermophilus. We exclusively used Lactococcus cremoris strains in the mesophilic block because we wanted to have strains that had one of two primary functions.

First we have a block of multiple strains chosen mainly for their ability to acidify under the standard manufacturing conditions used for cheddar in North America. Second we chose a group of strains which primarily contribute to flavor. We selected these strains based on several characteristics such as their ability to lyse their salt and temperature sensitivity and their enzymology which play a key role in changing the chemistry of the cheese to promote positive flavors. To increase the culture’s robustness to phage and ensure consistency in acidification and flavor development we intentionally added two or more strains for each function.

The culture also contains a block of S. thermophilus strains which means more than one strain is present helping to increase the phase robustness of the culture. We added just enough S. thermophilus to boost the activity of the culture during cheddaring and maintain an acidification profile similar to that of a 100% mesophilic culture.

Q4. Has IFF evaluated the sensory characteristics and flavor of aged cheeses made with CHOOZIT® VINTAGE?

We have conducted several trials both in pilot and industrial scales aging the cheese up to 15 months. Along the way we did qualitative sensory analysis with industry experts. We have observed that the cheeses tend to increase in savory sulfur and brothy notes while maintaining a slight fruitiness. Bitterness has been observed to be significantly lower than other commercial DVI cultures in the same trial. We did not observe any cheeses with a bitterness defect but instead they had acceptable cheddar flavor that tended towards savory rather than sweet.

Q5. Does CHOOZIT® VINTAGE impact moisture?

CHOOZIT® VINTAGE was not designed to impact moisture retention during the cheesemaking process. However having consistent acidification in a timing-based manufacturing process is a great asset when trying to reduce cheese composition variability. This also enables cheesemakers to easily make recipe changes that influence moisture content and therefore optimize the texture of the cheese for conversion.

Q6. Does the culture produce calcium lactate crystals in the cheese?

We have conducted trials under various recipe conditions and aged cheeses for up to 15 months with no observed calcium lactate crystals on the cheese surface. The inherent characteristics of the culture do not facilitate the production of calcium lactate crystals in the cheese. This is due to the careful selection of strains for salt sensitivity and rate of acidification at the appropriate time during the cheese manufacturing process.

We have observed that the CHOOZIT® VINTAGE cultures have better pH stability during ripening with less risk of post-acidification. Additionally deeper acidification from inoculation to set solubilizes more calcium which goes out with the whey and is not trapped in the cheese to form crystals. We plan to conduct further trials to evaluate if CHOOZIT® VINTAGE can prevent calcium lactate crystals compared to current solutions on the market and eliminate the need for sodium gluconate.

Q7. What other products could be combined with CHOOZIT® VINTAGE and which other challenges can IFF’s portfolio help solve?
CHOOZIT® VINTAGE can be combined with our FPC coagulant CHYMOSTAR. This combination not only provides exceptional yield but also works together with the cultures in CHOOZIT® VINTAGE to develop desirable cheddar flavors through controlled proteolysis. We can also combine our CHOOZIT® FLAVOBAC 304 adjunct with CHOOZIT® VINTAGE to further enhance savory and sulfur flavors and craft a unique taste.

We also offer protective cultures to help prevent defects in your cheddar caused by non-starter lactic acid bacteria. These bacteria can cause slits and cracks in the cheese body due to gas formation leading to poor machineability of the block. Our HOLDBAC GP solutions leverage the bio-protective properties of cultures against these contaminants to reduce the occurrence of these defects in cheese.

Discover the possibilities of cheddar cheese innovation with IFF.

Contact your regional representative to learn more.

  1. Source: Mintel Cheese US 2022.

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A Do More Good Plan Update from IFF CEO Frank Clyburn Tue, 30 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Listen to this message and access the full Do More Good Report: IFF’s 2022 ESG+ Progress in our Report Library. Transcript: Hi I’m Frank Clyburn CEO At the end of 2022 when we announced our transformational strategic refresh Do What Matters Most we knew that our success centered on our ability to deepen our commitment to...

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Listen to this message and access the full Do More Good Report: IFF’s 2022 ESG+ Progress in our Report Library.

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Hi I’m Frank Clyburn CEO

At the end of 2022 when we announced our transformational strategic refresh Do What Matters Most we knew that our success centered on our ability to deepen our commitment to our extended IFF communities support our customers in their ability to meet their own sustainability goals and reduce our operational environmental footprint. Living up to our commitments – Be the Premier Partner Build the Future and Become One IFF – calls for us to embed environmental social and governance (plus sustainable solutions) in all we do and we are excited about the opportunities ahead of us our customers and all of our stakeholders.

Even though our commitment to ESG far predated our 2022 strategic refresh last year signaled the essential combination of our 2030 Do More Good Plan with our organizational strategy. Across our enterprise, we’re taking dedicated steps to ensure IFF innovation and expertise is clearly charting the course to do more good for people and planet.

At IFF sustainability falls within Research and Development the life’s blood of our company. That’s why it’s no surprise that when we put our robust innovation pipeline to work we’re constantly looking into how our products align with our own sustainable development strategy and that of our customers’. Circular by design – and taking the entire life cycle of a product into account – our sustainable solutions anticipate and support customer needs while responding to the growing trends of conscious consumerism. For example, to support our customers in meeting the growing demand for plant-based diets we’ve collected detailed carbon water and land use footprint data for a range of plant-based protein concentrates. This kind of information informs our cradle-to-gate life cycle assessments revealing greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts benefits and emission reduction opportunities.

As part of our dedication to climate & planetary health, we are taking bold science-based action as our global community faces the climate crisis and we remain on track to cut our 2021 GHG emissions in half by 2030. Last year we reduced our absolute GHG emissions by 6% below 2021 levels due to our focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy projects including signing our first virtual power purchase agreement in Europe. This reaffirms our commitment to meet the Paris Agreement goals – limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Named a CDP Climate A List company for the eighth consecutive year we look to maintain our momentum in corporate transparency and action year-over-year as we aspire to achieve net zero emissions by 2040 and be net positive by 2050.

In the spirit of equity & wellbeing, it is our responsibility to ensure our people thrive and stay safe when they come to work every day – and we welcome their ability to be their authentic selves when they walk through our doors. Gender representation for us is vital especially as we look toward succession planning and pay equity. We’re proud to share we’ve closed the gender pay gap across our reporting lines. And to date we’re the only business to achieve EDGE Move certification for the second time in a row. In addition to other third-party verifications our 2022 EDGE assessment offered us an elevated level of distinction: that of holding the largest number of EDGE-certified countries at one time with an unparalleled 27 countries.

When we launched our Do What Matters Most plan in 2022 we challenged ourselves to evolve our Board of Directors to align with best-in-class governance standards.

Governance underscores transparency & accountability and as part of our ESG+ commitment we actively strengthened our governance standards by expanding oversight at the Board level. We also are applying ESG metrics for GHG reduction and gender representation to annual bonus structures for executive leaders. Our board provides supervision over who we are as a company today and understands the risks and opportunities that lay within our current socio-economic global environment.

Now more than ever it’s important that companies take leadership roles to ethically address the pressing world-wide sustainable development challenges we are all facing. Even as we continue to feel the continued effects of the COVID pandemic on our population and our economy it’s imperative that we remain true to our sustainability value proposition as we strive to overcome unprecedented headwinds.

Looking ahead we know that there are certain dynamics and partnerships that will keep us solidly on the path to realize our purpose of applying science and creativity for a better world. Since 2015 we have been a member of the UN Global Compact committing to uphold its 10 principles on human rights labor environment and anti-corruption. As we work with our broader stakeholders throughout our value chain our employees and our customers we pledge to do more good while remaining rooted in our dedication to live up to our values and embed ESG+ in all we do.

With our Do What Matters Most strategic refresh and our ambitious 2030 Do More Good Plan our journey forward is clear and it is leading us to a better world.

Thank you.

Read the full Do More Good Report available now in our Report Library.

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The future of pet food innovation unleashed Wed, 19 Apr 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Cats and dogs aren’t just pets—they’re seen as family. That means pet-parents want only the best for their furry companions–wholesome premium foods with recognizable and trustworthy ingredients that meet their pets’ personal dietary needs. Taking a holistic approach IFF creates next-gen pet food and treats through our insights-led Product Design. Our comprehensive portfolio expertise processes...

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Cats and dogs aren’t just pets—they’re seen as family. That means pet-parents want only the best for their furry companions–wholesome premium foods with recognizable and trustworthy ingredients that meet their pets’ personal dietary needs.

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Taking a holistic approach IFF creates next-gen pet food and treats through our insights-led Product Design. Our comprehensive portfolio expertise processes and solutions take your pet food products from concept to launch — and beyond. We’ve identified key trends shaping the future of pet food—read on to discover how we’re meeting them with pioneering solutions.


Pet-parents want to give their pets the highest-quality food possible—which is why our solutions and flavors provide the aroma and label preferences customers are looking for creating elevated food and treat experiences that differentiate brands. For example IFF POWDERPURE natural food powder is also a solution used in human food & beverages to enhance taste nutrition and color.


As people seek increasingly customized paths to wellness they do the same for their pets. They’re looking for new product formats that provide targeted health benefits for their pets’ specific needs. Our approach to pet wellness includes personalized precision-based probiotic applications. We’re also able to create customized solutions that meet our customers’ unique needs through blend technology and ingredients synergies.


With demand for natural and clean-label products on the rise families are supporting their pets’ health by shopping for products with real fruit and vegetables healthy grains and alternative proteins. We address the desire for nutritious recognizable ingredients with our real fruit and vegetable inclusions created through TAURA by IFF. In addition our vegetable-sourced emulsifiers further support desirable texture and stabilization.


From sustainably sourced ingredients to improved supply chain traceability pet owners want products that not only prioritize the health of their pets but the planet as well. Our food protection technologies help reduce waste by maintaining quality and lengthening shelf life keeping pet food and treats fresher for longer while preventing oxidation and spoilage. And as a global leader in plant protein innovation we leverage our food and beverage expertise in soy protein to bring sustainable nutritious plant protein solutions to the pet food category.


“Our unmatched ingredient range and application expertise give us the ability to collaborate with customers throughout their entire product development process whether they’re making kibble or designing a treat with health benefits” said Brett Volmert Pet Food Category Marketing Lead Nourish North America. “We can address pain points customize solutions and work together to provide the best mealtime and special occasion experiences for cats and dogs.”

We’re reimagining and pioneering the next generation of pet food products in partnership with our customers. From dry pet food coating and production to pet treats and snacks we have the expertise to help find solutions wherever needed.

Drop us a line to collaborate on next-gen pet food and treats: Contact us!

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In a rapidly changing world we’re brewing the change for good Fri, 08 Jul 2022 00:00:00 +0000 The futurist and author Ray Kurzweil¹ estimates that the rate of change in the world accelerates every decade. So 20 years from now the rate of change will be four times what it is today. That means this century will see 20000 years of change. The acceleration of change that Kurzweil predicts (and he’s probably right; after...

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The futurist and author Ray Kurzweil¹ estimates that the rate of change in the world accelerates every decade. So 20 years from now the rate of change will be four times what it is today. That means this century will see 20000 years of change.

The acceleration of change that Kurzweil predicts (and he’s probably right; after all he’s been right in more than 87% of his predictions so far) is already being felt.

Take climate change for example. This was always a ‘far off’ problem – something that could be dealt with later on. But that’s no longer the case. Climate change is the biggest threat facing us all and as the planet hots up we’re all feeling the effects. The erratic weather is causing more wildfires droughts and floods. Shifting seasons are creating havoc for farmers. Extreme weather events can cause billions of dollars’ worth of damage and trigger food and water security shocks all over the world. Global temperatures will only stabilize when carbon dioxide emissions reach net zero. So if we want to limit global warming to 1.5°C it means achieving net zero in the early 2050s2. As the IPCC’s Jim Skea has made clear the time for action is now. “It’s now or never.”

Advances in technology make the acceleration of change more acute. Increased access to information and the proliferation of social media has made consumers more aware of the need for everybody – especially the people running the brands we know and love – to act responsibly. That means using resources carefully treating people with fairness and respect and protecting the natural environment.

All of this requires innovation to find new ways of doing things and creating new products and services that meet consumers’ shifting needs.

Thankfully we are ready to deliver this much-needed innovation for– beer professionals brewers and beverage companies charged with meeting the desires and challenges of tomorrow’s brew. Whether it’s in finding new enlightened consumers challenging fiercer competition or reacting to the urgent need to protect the Earth’s natural resources our experienced curious and science-based experts are helping to keep our clients ahead.

Our enzyme technology is something of a game-changer and fast becoming essential in improving sustainability performance especially carbon and water.

Using our brewing enzymes enables beer makers to stay ahead of the curve ensuring they can get consistent mashing and improved filtration while maximizing the use of raw materials even when crop production is battling against ever-changing weather patterns.

Our proprietary Hop extract upcycled from industry waste streams using state-of-the-art isolation techniques is proving to be a sustainable and cost-effective way to add fresh and floral ‘aroma hop’ to beers and soft drinks.

Crucially we are also helping to design exciting and extraordinary products – and the processes to make them. We are working with our customers rather than for them to lead change.

We cannot achieve anything without full and transparent collaboration with our clients. It is a simple recipe built on our commitment to prioritise our customer find opportunities to promote growth and inspire the team to immerse themselves in the fun of crafting a masterpiece. This goes deeper than creating ideas we drive these quickly to solutions by partnering at every level and at every step in the process of getting product to the market.

It works because we’re just as passionate about beer as our clients. Together with the experience and insight of our team of scientists flavorists and master brewers we’re achieving great things.

By constantly asking questions challenging conventional thinking and believing anything is possible we’re catalyzing the future of brewing. It’s what the world needs now and always.

Take a look at the short film below and click here to learn more.

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Source :

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Mastering the complexity of comforting cheese Tue, 19 Apr 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Cheese is a comforting snack in challenging times. Capitalising on this opportunity manufacturers have stepped on the innovation pedal through the COVID-19 pandemic. During the first year the number of global cheese product launches rose by 11% with the USA Germany and France in the top three. While consumers were in lockdown many brands responded...

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Cheese is a comforting snack in challenging times. Capitalising on this opportunity manufacturers have stepped on the innovation pedal through the COVID-19 pandemic. During the first year the number of global cheese product launches rose by 11% with the USA Germany and France in the top three.

While consumers were in lockdown many brands responded to the need for exciting and affordable home cooking occasions. Market research analysts at Mintel pinpoint comfort health and sustainability as key areas that will continue to capture consumer attention in the time ahead.

Market driver

What kind of products are driving most of the sector’s continuing growth? Among all the cheeses with their distinguished tastes and textures mozzarella stands out.

Cheeses used as ingredients stand for 47% of cheese volume sales. This is where mozzarella and products with a similar stretch and meltability lead the way – primarily as toppings on 80% of the world’s pizzas . With 350 slices of pizza sold every second in the US alone that’s a lot of mozzarella!

Distinctively complex

Whether producing mozzarella or any other of the infinite cheese varieties it’s a fundamental truth that all producers rely on the same basic raw materials – milk salt bacteria and coagulants.

However producing distinctive cheese batch after batch is much more complex. In this the highly specific bacteria in cheese cultures have a leading role in securing the reliability of the cheese process and the functionality of each well-defined product.

Over a century of know-how

We have helped manufacturers develop and produce all sorts of great cheese for more than a hundred years. To get an idea about our all-around capabilities take a look at the short film below. You can also check out our portfolio.

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Russia – Ukraine: Our Position Statement & Humanitarian Efforts Mon, 14 Mar 2022 00:00:00 +0000 Russia – Ukraine: Our Position Statement & Humanitarian Efforts We strongly condemn Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. IFF unequivocally stands with the Ukrainian people and is committed to supporting those most affected by this war. Amid this humanitarian tragedy and aligned with our values IFF will limit the production and supply of ingredients in and...

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Russia – Ukraine: Our Position Statement & Humanitarian Efforts
We strongly condemn Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. IFF unequivocally stands with the Ukrainian people and is committed to supporting those most affected by this war.

Amid this humanitarian tragedy and aligned with our values IFF will limit the production and supply of ingredients in and to Russia to only those that meet the essential needs of people including food hygiene and medicine. In tandem IFF is suspending all production and supply of ingredients for products not critical to basic necessities. We believe it is our responsibility to do our part so people around the world including those in Russia have access to the critical ingredients and products they need to live. We feel strongly that this is our humanitarian duty. IFF will continue these supplies to the best of our ability in accordance with sanctions logistics availability and other key factors.

Our ability to meet the most basic and essential needs of people in Ukraine Russia and across the region is one of the most meaningful ways that IFF can advance our commitment to doing better for our people and communities in the markets we serve. We are also making a combined donation of US$350000 to World Central Kitchen and Save the Children to help provide food and medical assistance to Ukrainian refugees. Finally we are working closely with our customers to donate ingredients for food distribution to Ukrainians.

We join the millions of people around the world demanding a quick and diplomatic end to this war.

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Perfumer Avinash Mali Recreated the Smell of New Delhi in Pollution Pods by Michael Pinsky Sat, 01 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0000 When It Comes to Sustainability We Won’t Accept the Status Quo “Climate change is one of the most pervasive and threatening issues of our time with far-reaching impacts in the twenty-first century” observes the United Nations Environment Programme. In 2017 artist Michael Pinsky was commissioned by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) as...

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When It Comes to Sustainability We Won’t Accept the Status Quo

WHO | Pollution Pods exhibit Place des Nations
WHO | Pollution Pods exhibit Place des Nations

“Climate change is one of the most pervasive and threatening issues of our time with far-reaching impacts in the twenty-first century” observes the United Nations Environment Programme. In 2017 artist Michael Pinsky was commissioned by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) as part of Climart to create Pollution Pods with the support of BuildwithHubs which explores how visual art affects viewer perceptions of climate change.

The Pollution Pods exhibit is at the forefront of large scale immersive interactive experiences meant to be explored provocative and Instagrammed as noted in the JWT’s Future 100: 2019 report which gathers disruptive currents into cultural forecasts.

Pioneers of the Senses

We collaborated on the artwork which is composed of five connected domes. Each pod represents a city and each takes visitors into a simulation of the pollution of five major cities via scent temperature and humidity complete with an olfactory experience crafted by an IFF perfumer.

Aligned with IFF’s commitment to sustainability it was not only an opportunity to build a bridge between art and science to help safeguard life on our planet but also an exciting way to push the boundaries of what is possible as pioneers of the senses.

Each perfumer has a personal attachment with the locations represented by the pods and they combined their local expertise with our proprietary palette of ingredients & technologies to create a realistic and vivid simulation of the air quality.

Discover Delhi by Avinash Mali

Avinash Mali
Avinash Mali a Junior Perfumer based in Singapore created Delhi for Pollution Pods

Avinash Mali a Junior Perfumer based in Singapore created Delhi for Pollution Pods

According to a WHO survey of 1600 world cities the air quality in Delhi is the worst of any major city in the world. Motor vehicle emissions is one of the main culprits along with fumes from burning plastic fires on nearby agricultural land and the use of cow dung and crop residues for cooking.

Avinash Mali a Junior Perfumer based in Singapore incorporated materials such as the waxy-smelling Dimeth Octanol to suggest chemical industry emissions Natrotar to achieve burnt wood and Adoxal to evoke agricultural fires. A dirty water garbage element was added via the synthetic animalic material Skatol.
Here’s what he told us:

Avinash Mali Quote

His Inspiration:

Also the capital city of India New Delhi is the largest commercial city in Northern India. In 2016 New Delhi became one of the hundred cities in India chosen by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi to be developed as a smart city. The government program Smart Cities Mission launched in 2015 aims at making Indian cities friendly and sustainable. The city is already among the world’s fastest changing cities with an ability to embrace technological change and deal with rapid population growth while strengthening global connectivity. Having said that it’s facing serious issues of pollution and now it is known as one of the world’s worst polluted city.

We all want to contribute to our nation’s growth & recognition on a global platform. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision for India inspired me to address this issue of pollution.

His Favorite Scent Memory:

New Delhi is really famous for its historic architectures & monuments delectable street food and Delhi Haat the handicraft market. My favorite olfactive memory from New Delhi is its delicious food aromas savory to sweet. You can literally see colors while you smell food & can imagine their smells while walking through its colorful handicraft market. For me it’s a mix of smell & colors.

His View on Transformation:

Climate change is a global challenge that requires a global response. The impact of climate change is being felt by countries around the world. 2016 was the warmest year on record and the third consecutive year that record temperatures have been set. There are so many initiatives taken globally to address the impact of climate change on humans & on our planet. Pollution Pods will definitely help people realize the actual situation of different cities in the world & how challenging is for people to survive.

His Resolution:

The best part of working on this project is the feeling of “I will be contributing to change the world for its one of the major concerns of existence”. And I got this opportunity through my passion of perfumery.

The Takeaway:

We all are aware of & experiencing negative impact of current pollution situations globally. While working on this project these questions came to mind: “Am I equally responsible for this pollution situation? How can I change things towards sustainable future?”

I have started paying attention on to how much waste I am generating. I have preference for “reuse” some very simple examples – using a metal bottle for drinking water coffee mugs and reusable utensils – so indirectly I am cutting down the use of plastic. Use both sides when printing or use an unused side of a page to print – you can indirectly reduce the use of paper.

Change starts from me. I am making sure that my friends & family are following such basic changes. We all deserve safe clean & healthy surroundings to live. We all have to act now to secure safe & healthy places for our future generations. Everyone should follow reduce reuse & recycle policy.

The #PollutionPods Experience

The art exhibit is currently on tour. Keep up with the latest news events dates and video here:

Follow the conversation on social media: #PollutionPods

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Perfumer Nelly Hachem-Ruiz Recreates the Clean Air Smell of Norway in Pollution Pods by Michael Pinsky Sat, 01 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0000 When It Comes to Sustainability We Won’t Accept the Status Quo “Climate change is one of the most pervasive and threatening issues of our time with far-reaching impacts in the twenty-first century” observes the United Nations Environment Programme. In 2017 artist Michael Pinsky was commissioned by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) as...

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When It Comes to Sustainability We Won’t Accept the Status Quo

“Climate change is one of the most pervasive and threatening issues of our time with far-reaching impacts in the twenty-first century” observes the United Nations Environment Programme. In 2017 artist Michael Pinsky was commissioned by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) as part of Climart to create Pollution Pods with the support of BuildwithHubs, which explores how visual art affects viewer perceptions of climate change.

The Pollution Pods exhibit is at the forefront of large scale immersive interactive experiences meant to be explored provocative and Instagrammed as noted in the JWT’s Future 100: 2019 report which gathers disruptive currents into cultural forecasts.

YouTube Video

Pioneers of the Senses

We collaborated on the artwork which is composed of five connected domes. Each pod represents a city and each takes visitors into a simulation of the pollution of five major cities via scent temperature and humidity complete with an olfactory experience crafted by an IFF perfumer.

Aligned with IFF’s commitment to sustainability it was not only an opportunity to build a bridge between art and science to help safeguard life on our planet but also an exciting way to push the boundaries of what is possible as pioneers of the senses. Each perfumer has a personal connection to the locations represented by the pods and they combined their local expertise with our proprietary palette of ingredients & technologies to create a realistic and vivid simulation of the air quality.

Discover Clean Air by Nelly Hachem-Ruiz

Nelly Hachem-Ruiz

As a point of contrast between the cities one dome offers clean air based on the scentscape of Norway’s pine forests. Nelly Hachem-Ruiz a Perfumer based in France used a material called Koavone which in a high dose offers an exhilarating and diffusive pine scent. A cooling effect came through the addition of Cristalfizz and Menthol. The essence of pine needle gives the naturality and the strength to the scent that reminds us the immensity (infinity) of the forest.

Here’s what Nelly shared:

I imagined the experience of taking a walk in the amazing cold nature of the Norway landscape surrounded by a forest of pine trees.

I made a cold pure piney fresh smell with few simple ingredients that could transport me back to this experience I had imagined.

Exhibits such as Pollution Pods help bring climate change to the forefront and enables us to be more conscious about our environment. I worked with a palette of natural ingredients to create this scent but its authenticity would not have been possible without the addition of our pioneering fragrance ingredients.

Being able to think about and smell the scent I created while immersed inside this dome was one of my favorite experiences and I love that I get to share that moment with the world.

Perfumer Nelly Hachem-Ruiz Recreates the Clean Air Smell of Norway in Pollution Pods by Michael Pinsky – The #PollutionPods Experience

Nelly Hachem-Ruiz quote

The #PollutionPods Experience

The art exhibit is currently on tour. Keep up with the latest news events dates and video here:

Follow the conversation on social media: #PollutionPods

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Perfumer Dino Kong Recreates the Scent of Beijing in Pollution Pods by Michael Pinsky Sat, 01 Dec 2018 00:00:00 +0000 When It Comes to Sustainability We Won’t Accept the Status Quo “Climate change is one of the most pervasive and threatening issues of our time with far-reaching impacts in the twenty-first century” observes the United Nations Environment Programme. In 2017 artist Michael Pinsky was commissioned by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) as...

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When It Comes to Sustainability We Won’t Accept the Status Quo

“Climate change is one of the most pervasive and threatening issues of our time with far-reaching impacts in the twenty-first century” observes the United Nations Environment Programme. In 2017 artist Michael Pinsky was commissioned by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) as part of Climart to create Pollution Pods with the support of BuildwithHubs, which explores how visual art affects viewer perceptions of climate change.

The Pollution Pods exhibit is at the forefront of large scale immersive interactive experiences meant to be explored provocative and Instagrammed as noted in the JWT’s Future 100: 2019 report which gathers disruptive currents into cultural forecasts.

Pioneers of the Senses

We collaborated on the artwork which is composed of five connected domes. Each pod represents a city and each takes visitors into a simulation of the pollution of five major cities via scent temperature and humidity complete with an olfactory experience crafted by an IFF perfumer.

Aligned with IFF’s commitment to sustainability it was not only an opportunity to build a bridge between art and science to help safeguard life on our planet but also an exciting way to push the boundaries of what is possible as pioneers of the senses. Each perfumer has a personal connection to the locations represented by the pods and they combined their local expertise with our proprietary palette of ingredients & technologies to create a realistic and vivid simulation of the air quality.

Discover Beijing by Dino Kong

Dino Kong a perfumer based in Shanghai China has spent numerous winters in Beijing. It is cold dry and dusty which combined with bad traffic makes the air rough in the throat. Additional elements are burning coal and sulphur. He made use of IFF’s Scentemotions research platform which tags perfumery materials with moods and emotions by culture and demographic group. Making use of ingredients tagged ‘musty’ and ‘unhealthy’ he incorporated sulphuric-smelling elements from Cassifix and Tropicalia together with guaiacol for smoke and hay absolute to give a scratchy sensation.

Here’s what he told us:

Dino Kong Quote

His Inspiration

I was very excited to be working on this project. I’ve been to Beijing since I was a child many times. I love the city but the pollution has gotten worse over the years. It’s getting much more crowded with more people more buildings and more vehicles… There are coal wood lots of sulphuric smells creating low visibility – the pollution is worst in winter. I tried to create this scent with an acid/sulfur/burnt wood combination bringing a dry scratchy pungent feeling that expresses the unhealthy musty air in Beijing during winter.

His favorite Olfactive Memory

My favorite olfactive/taste memory from Beijing can be traced back to my childhood. I like a traditional snack called “Fuling jiabing” (a ‘poria cocos ‘or fuling pancake usually made from a mixture of the herbal plant and flour and stuffing). It tastes and smells like a combination of bitter Chinese herbs with sweet syrup rich flavor.

How Can Pollution Pods Help?

Pollution pods helps people to actually smell the scent of pollution to feel the shock within minutes by moving through the pods representing each place. It helps you realize the importance of protecting the environment.

His Resolution

My favorite part in this in project was having the opportunity to recreate the smell unique to Beijing. And then next to the scents from other cities to get to smell them one by one this was like travelling around the world. Globally we are facing the same problem with pollution. It’s one Earth one world one home for us. We have to accelerate climate change action to gather our efforts together for a better world.

The Takeaway

It was a honor for us to create the scents for Pollution Pods. We care about the environment and we are committed to sustainability and to creating an eco-friendly world.

The #PollutionPods Experience

The art exhibit is currently on tour. Keep up with the latest news events dates and video here:
Follow the conversation on social media: #PollutionPods

The post Perfumer Dino Kong Recreates the Scent of Beijing in Pollution Pods by Michael Pinsky appeared first on IFF.
